The igv.createBrowser function is used to create an igv Browser object and insert it into your dom. The function takes two arguments: (1) The parent element; the browser object will be inserted into the DOM as a child of this element, and (2) A configuration object that defines the browser's initial state. igv.createBrowser returns a promise which resolves to the browser object upon completion. The browser object should be saved by the client program for future calls to the API.

The example below creates an igv browser initialized with the hg19 reference genome.

<div id="igv_div"

<script type="module">

    import igv from ""

    const div = document.getElementById("igv_div")

    const config = {
            genome: "hg19"

    const browser = await igv.createBrowser(div, config) 


Browser configuration options#

The object that configures the browser's initial state includes details for the reference genome, track default settings, the initial set of loaded tracks, and the initial view locus. It also controls some aspects of the user interface.
All fields are optional except one of either genome or reference.

Option Description Default
genome String identifier defining genome (e.g. "hg19"). See Reference Genome for details and list of supported identifiers. Note: One (but only one) of either genome or reference properties must be set.
reference Object defining reference genome. See Reference Genome for details. Note: One (but only one) of either genome or reference properties must be set.
flanking Distance (in bp) to pad sides of feature on successful search for gene or other annotation. 1000
genomeList URL to a json file containing an array of genome reference definitions, or an inline json array. These genome definitions are appended to the default list unless loadDefaultGenomes is false. Genomes can be specified from the list by ID with the "genome" property. NOTE: the genomeList is globally shared by all igv browser instances on a page.
loadDefaultGenomes Load the default genome list on startup from true
locus Initial genomic location(s). Either a string or an array of strings. If an array a viewport is created for each location.
minimumBases Minimum window size in base pairs when zooming in 40
queryParametersSupported If true support initialization by query parameters. false
search Object defining a web service for supporting search by gene or other annotation. See object details below. Optional. Current a default service is provided for human (hg19, hg38) and mouse (mm10) assemblies.
showAllChromosomes Show all chromosome (sequences) in the pulldown control irrespective of size. Set to false to filter sequences < 1/50 the mean length. true
showChromosomeWidget Show a chromosome (sequence) pulldown control. true
showNavigation Show basic navigation controls (search, zoom in, zoom out). true
showIdeogram Show an ideogram of the chromosome in the header of the browser viewport. true
showSVGButton Show button that saves browser as SVG file. true
showRuler Show a genomic ruler track. true
showCenterGuide Show a pair of vertical lines, or single line when zoomed out, framing the base position at the center of view false
showCursorTrackGuide Show a vertical line that follows the cursor false
trackDefaults Embedded object defining default settings for specific track types (see table below).
tracks Array of configuration objects defining tracks initially displayed when app launches.
roi Array of track-like configuration objects defining regions of interest. These regions will be overlaid on all tracks.
oauthToken oauth access token
apiKey Google API key. Optional
clientId Google client ID. Optional.
genomeList An array of genome json objects, or url to an array of genome json objects. If present genomes can be specified by id with the genome field above. This list is added to the igv.js default list unless loadDefaultGenomes: false
loadDefaultGenomes Boolean indicating whether or not the igv.js default genome list should be loaded. Currently this list is loaded from true
nucleotideColors Color table for nucleotides in sequence an bam tracks. Object with keys "A", "C", "T", "G", and "N"
showSampleNames Controls display of sample names for track types that support them (VCF with genotypes, SEG, and MUT)

search object details#

The search object defines a webservice for fetching genomic location given a gene name or other symbol. The service should return a JSON object with the following structure. The results array is an array of objects with a chromosome, start, and end field. The names of these fields are specified in the configuration object. The end field is optional, if not included end = start + 1.

  <resultsField> : <array of results>
Option Description Default
url URL to search service. The URL must include the string $FEATURE$. This string will be replaced by the symbol being queried. if the URL contains the string $GENOME$ is will be replaced by the current genome ID.
resultsField JSON field name for property containing the array of results. Treats the response as an array of results.
coords Indicates genomic coordinate convention used. Possible values are 0 and 1 1
chromosomeField JSON field name for the chromosome property chromosome
startField JSON field name for the start position property start
endField JSON field name for the end position property end

The results array contain objects with chromosome, start, and end fields named as specified above. The type of the chromosome field is string, the type of start and end fields is integer.

E.g. a search for TP53 against hg19 using the defaults should look like this:


Browser removal#

To remove an igv browser instance call


To remove all igv browsers
