Browser events#

IGV provides a simple event system to listen for user interactions. Event handlers can be attached to the "Browser" object with the on function

browser.on(event, handler)
Event type Description Data
trackremoved Called when one or more tracks are removed, either by the user or through the API. See track-reorder.html. Array of track objects removed
trackdrag Called repeatedly while the user pans the genome view. Warning this event can trigger many calls
trackdragend Called upon completion of of a drag (horizontal pan).
locuschange Called when the genome locus is changed. Note, as with trackdrag this event can trigger many calls. See locus-change.html Array of ReferenceFrame objects, or for versions < 2.10.0 a single ReferenceFrame (see below). In multi-locus view the array contains a ReferenceFrame for each viewport.
trackclick Called when the user clicks on a feature in a track. This event can be used to customized the igv popover window that displays information about the feature, or to take some other custom action. To customize the popover window the callback function should return a string of valid html to be displayed (see custom-track-popover.html). To prevent the igv popover window from displaying return false (see custom-track-click.html) popupData (see below)
trackorderchanged Called when the track order changes ordered array of track names


Object specifying the genome range of the current view.

   chr : string
   start: number  ("0" based coordinates)
   end: number
   getLocusString():  function - return a representation of the form ```chr:start-end```,  where start is in "1" based coordinates


Array of properties for feature clicked as name/value pairs [{name, value}, {name, value}, ...]


browser.on('locuschange', function (referenceFrame) {
                        window.location.replace(HASH_PREFIX + referenceFrame.label);

Track events#

Experimental -- not released and subject to change or removal#

track.on(event, handler)
Event type Description Data
action Triggered on an explicit user action, usually from a menu. Only a subset of actions are supported, see table below. See user action table below

User actions#

Action Description Data
sort Sort track data. Supported by alignment and seg tracks, no-op for other track types sortObject
setcolor Set the track color color-string (e.g. rgb(0,0,150)
setAltColor Set the "alt" color. Interpretation of alt color depends on the track type. color-string