
In igv.js a genome refers to a reference sequence and, optionally, one or more associated tracks and metadata such as chromosome aliases and chromosome cytobands.

The reference genome can be defined with either the genome or reference property. One of these options is required.

genome property#

The genome property specifies a reference genome by an identifier for either (1) an IGV hosted genome definition, or (2) a UCSC GenArk assembly.

Example - IGV hosted genome

  genome: "hg38",

Example - UCSC GenArk assembly

  genome: "GCA_000002305.1"

IGV hosts a limited number of genome assemblies, which are listed in the table below. The UCSC GenArk site hosts an extensive list of assembly hubs, currenlty numbering 4,247. The complete listing can be found here.

IGV Hosted Genomes

id name
hs1 Human (T2T CHM13-v2.0/hs1)
chm13v1.1 Human (T2T CHM13-v1.1)
hg38 Human (GRCh38/hg38)
hg38_1kg Human (hg38 1kg/GATK)
hg19 Human (GRCh37/hg19)
hg18 Human (hg18)
mm39 Mouse (GRCm39/mm39)
mm10 Mouse (GRCm38/mm10)
mm9 Mouse (NCBI37/mm9)
rn7 Rat (rn7)
rn6 Rat (RGCS 6.0/rn6)
gorGor6 Gorilla (Kamilah_GGO_v0/gorGor6)
gorGor4 Gorilla (gorGor4.1/gorGor4)
panTro6 Chimp (panTro6) (panTro6)
panTro5 Chimp (panTro5) (panTro5)
panTro4 Chimp (SAC 2.1.4/panTro4)
macFas5 Macaca fascicularis (macFas5)
GCA_011100615.1 Macaca fascicularis 6.0 (GCA_011100615.1)
panPan2 Bonobo (MPI-EVA panpan1.1/panPan2)
canFam3 Dog (Broad CanFam3.1/canFam3)
canFam4 Dog (UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0/canFam4)
canFam5 Dog (canFam5)
bosTau9 Cow (ARS-UCD1.2/bosTau9)
bosTau8 Cow (UMD_3.1.1/bosTau8)
susScr11 Pig (SGSC Sscrofa11.1/susScr11)
galGal6 Chicken (galGal6)
GCF_016699485.2 Gallus gallus (GCF_016699485.2)
danRer11 Zebrafish (GRCZ11/danRer11)
danRer10 Zebrafish (GRCZ10/danRer10)
ce11 C. elegans (ce11)
dm6 D. melanogaster (dm6)
dm3 D. melanogaster (dm3)
dmel_r5.9 D. melanogaster (dmel_r5.9)
sacCer3 S. cerevisiae (sacCer3)
ASM294v2 S. pombe (ASM294v2)
ASM985889v3 Sars-CoV-2 (ASM985889v3)
tair10 A. thaliana (TAIR 10)
GCA_003086295.2 Peanut (GCA_003086295.2)
GCF_001433935.1 O. sativa IRGSP-1.0 (GCF_001433935.1)
NC_016856.1 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium str. 14028S
GCA_000182895.1 Coprinopsis cinerea okayama7#130 (GCA_000182895.1)

reference object#

To define or customize a reference genome the reference property can be used.


  reference: {
    "id": "hg38",
    "name": "Human (GRCh38/hg38)",
    "fastaURL": "",
    "indexURL": "",
    "cytobandURL": "",
    "tracks": [
        "name": "Refseq Genes",
        "url": "",
        "order": 1000000,
        "indexed": false


All properties except a reference sequence URL (fastaURL or twoBitURL) are optional. An index is highly recommended for fasta files if the sequence is > a few mb in size. Loading a large fasta file without an index is likely to freeze the browser. In total there are 4 options for defining the reference sequence:

  1. Fasta file without index, useful for small (< 10 MB) sequences. fastaURL
  2. Indexed fasta file. fastaURL, indexURL
  3. BGZIPPED compressed fasta file. fastaURL, indexURL, compressedIndexURL
  4. UCSC two bit sequence file (see [twobit]). ( twoBitURL
Option Description Default
id UCSC or other id string.
name A descriptive name.
fastaURL URL to a FASTA file. Either fastaURL or twoBitURL is required.
indexURL URL to a FASTA index (.fai file). An index file is optional, but if not supplied the entire fasta is read.
compressedIndexURL URL to a BGZIPPED compressed fasta file (.gzi index). Note this is in addition, not in place, of the .fai index.
twoBitURL URL to a UCSC two-bit sequence file (Version 3.0). Required if fastaURL is not defined. If both fastaURL and twoBitURL are defined twoBitURL will be used for igv.js version >= 3.0, fastaURL for earlier igv.js versions.
cytobandURL URL to a cytoband ideogram file in UCSC format. Optional
aliasURL URL to a tab-delimited file defining aliases for chromosome names. Theformat is tab delimited with 1 line per chromosome. Each line begins with the canonical chromosome followed by aliases. See the example below. Optional
chromSizesURL URL to a UCSC .chrom.sizes file. This can be used in combination with twoBitURL to support the whole genome view.
indexed Flag indicating if the FASTA is indexed. Ignored if indexURL is supplied. The primary purpose of this property is to indicate that the fasta is not indexed. Deprecated as of Version 3.0
tracks A list of tracks to be loaded with the genome. See the tracks description for details. Optional
chromosomeOrder An array of chromosome names defining the order in the whole genome view and chromosome pulldown selector, if used. Optional
headers HTTP headers to include with each request. For example {"authorization": "bearer: token"}. Optional
wholeGenomeView Construct a "whole genome" view from the individual sequences. This is useful for finished assemblies with a few (< 50) large chromosomes. Its not useful for assemblies with a single or conversely thousands of sequences. Optional true

Chromosome alias example#

Below is the contents of a chromosome alias file.

chr1    1   CM000663.2  NC_000001.11
chr2    2   CM000664.2  NC_000002.12
chr3    3   CM000665.2  NC_000003.12
chr4    4   CM000666.2  NC_000004.12
chr5    5   CM000667.2  NC_000005.10
chr6    6   CM000668.2  NC_000006.12
chr7    7   CM000669.2  NC_000007.14
chr8    8   CM000670.2  NC_000008.11
chr9    9   CM000671.2  NC_000009.12
chr10   10  CM000672.2  NC_000010.11
chr11   11  CM000673.2  NC_000011.10
chr12   12  CM000674.2  NC_000012.12
chr13   13  CM000675.2  NC_000013.11
chr14   14  CM000676.2  NC_000014.9
chr15   15  CM000677.2  NC_000015.10
chr16   16  CM000678.2  NC_000016.10
chr17   17  CM000679.2  NC_000017.11
chr18   18  CM000680.2  NC_000018.10
chr19   19  CM000681.2  NC_000019.10
chr20   20  CM000682.2  NC_000020.11
chr21   21  CM000683.2  NC_000021.9
chr22   22  CM000684.2  NC_000022.11
chrX    X   CM000685.2  NC_000023.11    23
chrY    Y   CM000686.2  NC_000024.10    24
chrM    MT  J01415.2    NC_012920.1 chrMT