Alignment Track

The alignment track (type = 'alignment') is used to display views of read alignments from BAM or CRAM files.

File formats#

Configuration Options#

General options

Property Description Default
showCoverage Show coverage depth track. true
showAlignments Show individual alignments. true
viewAsPairs If true, paired reads are drawn connected with a line. false
pairsSupported If false, mate information in paired reads is ignored during downsampling and the 'View as Pairs' option is removed from the alignment track menu. true
color Default color of alignment blocks rgb(170, 170, 170)
deletionColor Color of line representing a deletion black
skippedColor Color of line representing a skipped region (e.g. splice junction) rgb(150, 170, 170)
insertionColor Color of marker for insertions rgb(138, 94, 161)
negStrandColor Color of alignment on negative strand. Applicable if colorBy = "strand" or "firstOfPairStrand" rgba(150, 150, 230, 0.75)
posStrandColor Color of alignment or position strand. Applicable if colorBy = "strand" if "firstOfPairStrand" rgba(230, 150, 150, 0.75)
pairConnectorColor Color of connector line between read pairs ("view as pairs" mode). alignment color
colorBy Color alignment by property. See below. "unexpectedPair".
groupBy Group alignments by property. See below.
samplingWindowSize Window (bucket) size for alignment downsampling in base pairs 100
samplingDepth Number of alignments to keep per bucket. WARNING: Setting this sampling depth to a high value can freeze the browser when viewing areas of deep coverage. 100.
alignmentRowHeight Height in pixels of an alignment row when in expanded mode 14
readgroup Readgroup ID value (tag 'RG').
sort Initial sort option. See below.
filter Alignment filter options. See below
showSoftClips Show soft-clipped regions false
showMismatches Highlight alignment bases which do not match the reference. true
showAllBases Show all bases of the read sequence. false
showInsertionText Show number of bases for insertions inline when zoomed in. false
insertionTextColor Color for insertion count text. white
showDeletionText Show number of bases deleted inline when zoomed in. false
deletionTextColor Color for deletion count text. black
displayMode See below. "EXPANDED"
alignmentRowHeight Height in pixels for each row of alignments in "EXPANDED" or "FULL" display mode. 14
squishedRowHeight Height in pixels for each row of alignments in "SQUISHED" display mode. 3
coverageColor Color of coverage track rgb(150, 150, 150)
coverageTrackHeight Height in pixels of the coverage track. 3
autoscale Autoscale coverage track to maximum value in view true unless 'max' is set
autoscaleGroup Identifier for an autoscale group for the coverage track. Tracks with the same identifier are autoscaled together.
min Sets the minimum value for the coverage track data scale (y-axis). Usually zero. 0
max Sets the maximum value for the coverage track data scale (y-axis). This value is ignored if autoscale = true No default

colorBy options#

groupBy options#

displayMode options#

Paired-end and mate-pair coloring options.#

Property Description Default
pairOrientation Expected orientation of pairs, one of ff, fr, or rf. Computed
minTLEN Minimum expected absolute "TLEN" value. Pairs below this value are colored blue if colorBy == "tlen" or "unexpectedPair"
maxTLEN Maximum expected absolute "TLEN" value. Pairs above this value are colored red if colorBy == "tlen" or "unexpectedPair" Computed
minTLENPercentile The percentile threshold for expected insert size. If minTLEN is not specified this value is used to compute one. See notes below. 0.1
maxTLENPercentile The percentile maximum for expected insert size. If maxTLEN is not specified this value is used to compute one. See notes below. 99.9

Note on TLEN: This refers to column 9 of an alignment record from the SAM specification. It has variously been called "template length", "insert size", and "fragment length". There is no agreement on a precise definition, and aligner interpretations differ, but generally it can be thought of as the distance between start and end of an aligned pair. Pairs with TLEN outside the expected range can be indicative of a deletion, or more rarely and insertion.

Note on TLEN computation: if minTLEN or maxTLEN are not specified a value is computed from a sampling of the first data loaded for the track. Specifically, the values are taken from a percentile of the sample data as specified by minPercentile and maxPercentile. It is possible to specify an explicit value for one.

Sort option#

The sort object defines initial sort order of packed alignment rows based on an alignment property at a specified position

Property Description Default
chr Sequence (chromosome) name
position Genomic position (integer)
option Parameter to sort by. One of 'BASE', 'STRAND', 'INSERT_SIZE', 'MATE_CHR', 'MQ', 'TAG'
tag Tag name to sort by. Include only if option = 'TAG
direction Sort directions. ASC = ascending, DESC = descending "ASC"

Filter options#

The filter object defines an alignment filter based on sam flags. If not supplied default filters are set as indicated in the table below.

Property Description Default
vendorFailed filter alignments marked as failing vendor quality checks (bit 0x200) true
duplicates filter alignments marked as a duplicate (bit 0x400) true
secondary filter alignments marked secondary (bit 0x100) false
supplementary filter alignments marked as supplmentary (bit 0x800) false
mq filter alignments with mapping quality < supplied value (a number) 0
readgroups array of read group names ('RG' tag). If present filter alignments not matching this set


An alignment track object exports 2 functions that can be called after track creation.

Highlights alignments with specified read names by drawing an outline in the specified color.

bamTrack.setHighlightedReads(["SRR099953.99059361", "SRR099953.79101554"], "#0000ff")

Sort the alignment track. See above for the sortOptions object definition.

                    chr: "chr1",
                    position: 155155361,
                    option: "BASE",
                    direction: "ASC"


  "type": "alignment",
  "format": "bam",  
  "name": "NA12878",
  "url": "gs://genomics-public-data/platinum-genomes/bam/NA12878_S1.bam",
  "indexURL": "gs://genomics-public-data/platinum-genomes/bam/NA12878_S1.bam.bai",