Annotation Track

The annotation track (type = 'annotation') display views of genomic annotations.

File Formats#

Configuration Options#

Configuration options specific to annotation tracks. All properties below are optional.

Property Description Default
displayMode Annotation display mode, one of "COLLAPSED", "EXPANDED", "SQUISHED" "COLLAPSED"
expandedRowHeight Height of each row of features in "EXPANDED" mode 30
squishedRowHeight Height of each row of features in "SQUISHED" mode 15
nameField For GFF/GTF file formats. Name of column 9 property to be used for feature label.
maxRows Maximum number of rows of features to display 500
searchable If true, feature names for this track can be searched for. Use this option with caution, it is memory intensive. This option will not work with indexed tracks. false
searchableFields For use with the searchable option in conjunction with GFF files. An array of field (column 9) names to be included in feature searches. When searching for feature attributes spaces need to be escaped with a "+" sign or percent encoded ("%20).
filterTypes Array of gff feature types to filter from display. ['chromosome, 'gene']
color CSS color value for track features, e.g. "#ff0000" or "rgb(100,0,100)". rgb(0,0,150)
altColor If supplied, used for features on negative strand
colorBy Used with GFF/GTF files. Name of column 9 attribute to color features by.
colorTable Used in conjunction with colorBy property. Maps attribute values to CSS colors. See example below.


  "type": "annotation",
  "format": "bed",
  "name": "Gencode v18",
  "url": "", 
  "indexURL": ""

colorBy example#

For GFF and GTF files the coloryBy property can be used ot specify a column 9 property to color by. To specify specific colors for property values use the colorTable property. If no colorTable is specified colors are assigned randomly.

    name: "Color by attribute biotype",
    type: "annotation",
    format: "gff3",
    displayMode: "expanded",
    height: 300,
    url: "",
    indexURL: "",
    visibilityWindow: 1000000,
    colorBy: "biotype",
    colorTable: {
       "antisense": "blueviolet",
       "protein_coding": "blue",
       "retained_intron": "rgb(0, 150, 150)",
       "processed_transcript": "purple",
       "processed_pseudogene": "#7fff00",
       "unprocessed_pseudogene": "#d2691e",
       "*": "black"

color function#

The color and altColor properties can be specified with a function that takes a feature object as an argument and returns a CSS color string (e.g. "blue", "rgb(0,150,150)", "#d2691e").


    name: "Color by function",
    format: "gff3",
    displayMode: "expanded",
    height: 300,
    url: "",
    indexURL: "",
    visibilityWindow: 1000000,
    color: (feature) => {
        switch (feature.getAttributeValue("biotype")) {
            case "antisense":
                return "blueviolet"
            case "protein_coding":
                return "blue"
            case "retained_intron":
                return "rgb(0, 150, 150)"
            case "processed_transcript":
                return "purple"
            case "processed_pseudogene":
                return "#7fff00"
            case "unprocessed_pseudogene":
                return "#d2691e"
                return "black"

The feature object passed to the color function is described below

interface Feature {
  chr: string;
  start: integer;   
  end: integer;
  name: string;
  score: float;
  strand: string;
  cdStart: integer;
  cdEnd: integer;
  color: string;
  exons: Exon [];
  getAttributeValue: (property: string) => value;

interface Exon {
  start: integer;
  end: integer;
  cdStart: integer;
  cdEnd: integer;
  utr: boolean;