CNVpytor Track

The CNVpytor track (type = 'cnvpytor') is a tool for copy number analysis from read depth and B-allele frequency (BAF) of variants. As input, it takes BAM and/or VCF files. The analyzed data is stored in pytor file and can be viewed using cnvpytor track in igv. One can also use a whole genome VCF file as an input to the cnvpytor track. In such a case read depth and BAF information are calculated on-fly.

For details:

File formats#

cnvpytor track can be loaded from either pytor or VCF files.



Whole genome VCF file with constraints.

Loading the data may take time, as it reads the entire VCF file and calculates the signals.

Configuration Options#

General options

Property Description Default
signal_name Available Signal names
  • rd_snp : Read Depth and BAF Likelihood
  • rd : Read depth
  • snp : BAF likelihood
cnv_caller Name of CNV caller
  • ReadDepth: Uses Read depth information only
  • 2D: Uses both Read depth and BAF information
Shows data based on available caller data.
bin_size Bin size
  • pytor file: Bin size should be avialable in the pytor file
  • vcf: Bin size should be multiple of 10,000
colors Color of the signals. Signal details are in file format section. ['gray', 'black', 'green', 'blue']


pytor file as input#
    id: "pytor_track",
    type: "cnvpytor",
    name: "HepG2 pytor",
    url: "",

VCF file as input#
    id: "cnvpytor_track_vcf",
    type: "cnvpytor",
    name: "HepG2 VCF",
    url: "",