Splice Junction Track
type = 'junction'
File formats#
The source file for this track is a .bed file. Each row in the .bed file represents a single splice junction. The name field (column #4) is used to encode the following attributes as semicolon separated key-value pairs (GFF3 column 9 format).
- motif - one of 'GT/AG', 'CT/AC', 'GC/AG', 'CT/GC', 'AT/AC', 'GT/AT', 'non-canonical' (from STAR v2.4)
- uniquely_mapped - number of uniquely mapped reads spanning this junction
- multi_mapped - number of non-uniquely mapped reads spanning this junction
- maximum_spliced_alignment_overhang - used as a filter if minSplicedAlignmentOverhang is defined in the track configuration
- annotationed_juncion
This is an example .bed file row:
chr15 92883778 92885514 motif=GT/AG;uniquely_mapped=95;multi_mapped=10;maximum_spliced_alignment_overhang=38;annotated_junction=true 95 +
Here the attributes are taken directly from the STAR v2 aligner *.SJ.out.tab file.
Configuration Options#
config settings for this track fall into 2 categories: Filtering Options determine which splice junctions are shown, while Display Options change how the splice junctions are displayed.
Display Options#
Property | Description | Default |
colorBy | Splice junction color. Possible values: "numUniqueReads", "numReads", "isAnnotatedJunction", "strand", "motif" | "numUniqueReads" |
colorByNumReadsThreshold | If colorBy is set to "numUniqueReads" or "numReads", junction color will be darker when number of reads > this threshold | 5 |
thicknessBasedOn | Splice junction line thickness. Possible values: "numUniqueReads", "numReads", "isAnnotatedJunction" | "numUniqueReads" |
bounceHeightBasedOn | Splice junction curve height. Possible values: "random", "distance", "thickness" | "random" |
labelUniqueReadCount | Add unique read counts to splice junction label | true |
labelMultiMappedReadCount | Add multi-mapped read counts to splice junction label | true |
labelTotalReadCount | Add total read counts to splice junction label | false |
labelMotif | Add splice junction motif to its label | false |
labelAnnotatedJunction | If defined, this string will be appended to the labels of splice junctions that exist in known gene models (eg. for which annotated_junction=true in the .bed file). Example value: " [A]" | null |
minSplicedAlignmentOverhang | null |
Filtering Options#
Property | Description | Default |
minUniquelyMappedReads | Junction must be supported by at least this many uniquely-mapped reads. | 0 |
minTotalReads | Junction must be supported by at least this many uniquely-mapped + multi-mapped reads. | 0 |
maxFractionMultiMappedReads | (uniquely-mapped reads)/(total reads) must be <= this threshold | 1 |
minSplicedAlignmentOverhang | Mininum spliced alignment overhang in base pairs. See STAR aligner docs for more details. | 0 |
hideStrand | Set to "+" or "-" to hide junctions on the plus or minus strand. | null |
hideAnnotatedJunctions | If true, only novel junctions will be shown (eg. those not found in gene models passed to the aligner) | false |
hideUnannotatedJunctions | If true, only annotated junctions will be shown (eg. those found in gene models passed to the aligner) | false |
hideMotifs | A list of strings for motif values to hide. For example: ['GT/AT', 'non-canonical'] | [] |
type: 'spliceJunctions',
format: 'bed',
url: `${rootUrl}/${prefix}.SJ.out.bed.gz`,
indexURL: `${rootUrl}/${prefix}.SJ.out.bed.gz.tbi`,
minUniquelyMappedReads: 1,
minTotalReads: 1,
maxFractionMultiMappedReads: 1,
minSplicedAlignmentOverhang: 0,
thicknessBasedOn: 'numUniqueReads', //options: numUniqueReads (default), numReads, isAnnotatedJunction
bounceHeightBasedOn: 'random', //options: random (default), distance, thickness
colorBy: 'isAnnotatedJunction', //options: numUniqueReads (default), numReads, isAnnotatedJunction, strand, motif
labelUniqueReadCount: true,
labelMultiMappedReadCount: true,
labelTotalReadCount: false,
labelMotif: false,
labelAnnotatedJunction: " [A]",
hideStrand: '-',
hideAnnotatedJunctions: false,
hideUnannotatedJunctions: false,
hideMotifs: ['GT/AT', 'non-canonical'], //options: 'GT/AG', 'CT/AC', 'GC/AG', 'CT/GC', 'AT/AC', 'GT/AT', 'non-canonical',
Sashimi track: combine 'spliceJunctions' track with 'wig' track#
The 'merged' track type allows a 'spliceJunctions' track to be rendered on top of a 'wig' track to create a full sashimi-like track.
Besides the .bed.gz file described above, this also requires a separate .bigWig file.
type: 'merged',
name: prefix,
height: 150,
tracks: [
type: 'wig',
format: "bigwig",
url: `${rootUrl}/${prefix}.bigWig`,
type: 'spliceJunctions',
format: 'bed',
url: `${rootUrl}/${prefix}.SJ.out.bed.gz`,
indexURL: `${rootUrl}/${prefix}.SJ.out.bed.gz.tbi`,
minUniquelyMappedReads: 1,