Variant Track

The variant track (type="variant") displays variant records from "VCF" files or equivalents.

File formats#

Configuration Options#

General options

Property Description Default
displayMode Display option. 'COLLAPSED' => show variants only, 'SQUISHED' and 'EXPANDED' => show calls. 'EXPANDED'
squishedCallHeight Height of genotype call rows in SQUISHED mode. 1
expandedCallHeight Height of genotype call rows in EXPANDED mode 10

Variant color options#

Property Description Default
color Specify a variant color, or function that takes a variant object and returns a color.
colorBy Specify an INFO field to color variants by. Optional, if specified takes precedence over color property
colorTable Color table mapping INFO field values to colors. Use in conjunction with colorBy. Optional, if not specified a color table will be generated.

Genotype color options#

Property Description Default
noCallColor Color for no-calls "rgb(250, 250, 250)"
homvarColor CSS color for homozygous non-reference calls. "rgb(17,248,254)"
hetvarColor CSS color for heterozygous calls. "rgb(34,12,253)"
homrefColor CSS color for homozygous reference calls. "rgb(200, 200, 200)"


Tabix indexed file#

  type: "variant",
  format: "vcf",
  url: "",
  indexURL: "",
  name: "1KG variants (chr22)",
  squishedCallHeight: 1,
  expandedCallHeight: 4,
  displayMode: "squished",
  visibilityWindow: 1000


### Color-by info field with color table

    url: "",
    indexURL: "",
    name: "Color by table, SVTYPE",
    visibilityWindow: -1,
    colorBy: "SVTYPE",
    colorTable: {
        "DEL": "#ff2101",
        "INS": "#001888",
        "DUP": "#028401",
        "INV": "#008688",
        "CNV": "#8931ff",
        "BND": "#891100",
        "*": "#002eff"

Color-by function. NOTE: functions cannot be saved in session files.#

    url: "",
    indexURL: "",
    name: "Color by function, SVTYPE",
    visibilityWindow: -1,
    color: function (variant) {
        const svtype =["SVTYPE"];
        switch (svtype) {
            case 'DEL':
                return "#ff2101";
            case 'INS':
                return "#001888";
            case 'DUP':
                return "#028401";
            case 'INV':
                return "#008688";
            case 'CNV':
                return "#8931ff";
            case 'BND':
                return "#891100";
                return "#002eff";