User Guide

Quick Start#

1. Open the IGV-Web app#

In a web browser, navigate to

Make sure that popups are not disabled in your web browser as some features rely on them. For example, loading tracks and genomes from files in Google Drive may pop up a login window. Also note that some options may not be available if all cookies have been disabled in the web browser preferences.

2. Load a reference genome#

IGV requires a reference genome. It serves as the "coordinate system" for displaying the tracks. When the IGV-Web page first loads, it will load a default reference genome. To load a different genome, you can either select one of IGV's predefined genomes or use one of the options to load a genome sequence file that you specify, as described in the section on loading the reference genome below.

You must first load the reference genome, before loading data tracks. Switching genomes will clear out any loaded tracks.

3. Load data tracks#

Load one or more data tracks by either selecting a predefined track or loading a genomic data file, as described in the section on loading data tracks below.

4. Navigate#

IGV-Web provides several navigation controls for specifying the genomic region to view, as described in the section on navigating the view below.

Loading the reference genome#

IGV requires a reference genome. It serves as the "coordinate system" for displaying the tracks. When the IGV-Web page first loads, it will load a default reference genome. To load a different genome, you can either select one of IGV's predefined genomes or use one of the options to load a genome sequence file that you specify.

You must first load the reference genome, before loading data tracks. Switching genomes will clear out any loaded tracks.

Predefined genome#

The available predefined genomes are listed in the Genome dropdown menu. If you select any of these genomes, a corresponding gene annotation track will also be loaded.

The menu includes the complete list of available predefined genomes. In order to more easily find the genomes you use most often, the most recently-used ones (up to 5) are displayed above the predefined genomes list (only if third party cookies are enabled in your web browser).

Genome files#

If you have your reference genome in a GenBank (.gbk) file, FASTA file, or a twoBit file, you can load it using one of the options in the top part of the Genome menu:

Unless your FASTA file is quite small, it is recommended that you also load a corresponding index file. Loading a large FASTA file without an index is likely to freeze the app. The FASTA and index files must be specified at the same time. When loading via the URL option the dialog has entry fields for the web link URL to the file and to the corresponding index file. For the other loading options, both the FASTA file and the index file must be selected from the file chooser that pops up.

The FASTA and twoBit files only contain the the genome sequence and a corresponding genome annotation track will not be automatically loaded. You can load a genonme annotation file directly via the Tracks menu.

You will be prompted to sign into a Google account if you select the Google Drive option, and a Dropbox account is needed for the Dropbox option. The Google Drive option will not be presented if cookies are disabled in the web browser.

Advanced: Another option is to create and load a .json genome file, which can include references to a cytoband file and a default gene annotation track. See the File Formats section for details on the IGV reference genome JSON format.

UCSC GenArk#

Reference genome assemblies and associated tracks can be loaded directly from the UCSC GenArk archive. Select UCSC GenArk from the Genome menu to display a table of all available assemblies. The table can be filtered by typing space separated terms in the search box. Click on the desired assembly and then OK.

In addition to setting the reference genome, associated annotation tracks will also be loaded. In most cases, many tracks will be loaded. Any tracks you are not interested in can be deleted using its gear menu. To delete several tracks at once, click Select Tracks in the toolbar, and check the boxes to the left of the tracks to be deleted, then click on the gear menu for any one of them and select Remove track. These tracks can be reloaded from the Tracks menu, which contains all the tracks associated with the assembly in the GenArk archive.

For more information on the GenArk resource see Clawson, H., Lee, B.T., Raney, B.J. et al. GenArk: towards a million UCSC genome browsers. Genome Biol 24, 217 (2023).

Track hub support is not limited to the GenArk site, but includes any hub in the useOneFile format (see the documentation on track hub settings at the UCSC site). Select the URL option in the Genome menu to load the URL to a hub.txt file at a UCSC hub.

Loading data tracks#

To load data and genomic annotations, click on the Tracks dropdown menu and either select from the selection of predefined tracks or choose one of the options to load files that you specify.

Predefined track#

Categories of available predefined tracks are listed in the menu. Clicking on a category will open a list of datasets. For example, if ENCODE is one of the menu items, clicking on it will bring up a list of datasets available from the ENCODE data portal (Encyclopedia of DNA Elements,

The set of predefined tracks presented in the menu varies depending on the current reference genome. Some genomes do not come with any predefined tracks.

Track file#

To load track data from a file, use one of the options in the top part of the menu:

Selecting the URL option will present a dialog where you enter the full web link URL to one data file and the corresponding index file, if there is one. For the other options, a file chooser pops up and you can select files for multiple tracks, along with the corresponding index files.

For indexed files, e.g. BAM files, you must explicitly select the index file along with the data file. If you also use IGV-Desktop, you may be used to IGV automatically finding and loading the index file. This is not always possible from a web browser, so the behavior is different in IGV-Web.

You will be prompted to sign into a Google account if you select the Google Drive option, and a Dropbox account is needed for the Dropbox option. The Google Drive option will not be presented if cookies are disabled in the web browser.

The File Formats section has information about supported file types.

Make sure to load only data files that correspond to the current reference genome. In general, a genomic data file does not include information about the genome it aligns to, which means IGV cannot automatically check if they match.

Special tracks#

Sequence track#

When zoomed in sufficiently, the reference genome sequence track appears just below the chromosome ruler. Depending on the zoom level, the sequence is represented by colored bars: or colored letters: with adenine (A) in green, cytosine (C) in blue, guanine (G) in yellow, and thymine (T) in red.

The gear menu for sequence tracks includes two options:

The sequence track cannot be removed, but it can be moved to a different position by click-dragging the track handle on the right, just like any other track.

Genome annotation track#

If you load a reference genome from the list of hosted genomes provided in the Genome menu, a special genome annotation track is also automatically loaded. For most of the hosted genomes, these annotations are from NCBI's Reference Sequence Database (RefSeq). This track will be automatically unloaded if you select a different reference genome.

When you load a data track, it will be positioned just above this genome annotation track. So by default, the annotations for the reference genome are always displayed at the bottom. You can however move the annotation track at any time by dragging it to a different position, just like any other track.

By default, the annotations are displayed in a compact mode, where overlapping transcripts are collapsed into a single line: The track gear menu provides two different options for expanding the display to show the overlapping features on separate lines:

Changing the display mode does not affect the track height. A scrollbar will be added to the track if it is too short to display all the lines. To increase or decrease the track height, select Set track height from the gear menu.

Navigating the view#

IGV-Web provides several navigation controls for specifying the genomic region to view. A ruler indicating the extent of the current region is displayed below the toolbar, and the size of the region and its genomic coordinates are displayed in the toolbar.

Select a chromosome#

The chromosome dropdown menu in the toolbar includes an entry for every chromosome or contig in the current reference genome. Selecting a chromosome from the menu will set the view to include the whole chromosome. The ruler also includes a cytoband ideogram if you selected one of the predefined reference genomes.

Select chromosome "all"#

At the top of the list of chromosomes in the dropdown menu there is also the special entry all to view the whole genome, with all the chromosomes laid out side-by-side. Or you can enter all in the text box where the genomic coordinates are displayed.

Enter genomic coordinates#

In the text box where the genomic coordinates are displayed, you can type the coordinates of the region you want to view (e.g. chr17:41,195,312-41,278,500). The thousands separator is optional, but the chromosome name is required.

Search by gene name#

In the text box where the genomic coordinates are displayed, type the name of a gene (e.g. BRCA1) and hit return or click on the magnifying glass. IGV will look up the genomic coordinates for that gene and set the viewing region accordingly. Currently supported for human and mouse genomes only.

Enter multiple loci#

In the text box, you can enter multiple regions by gene name, genomic coordinates, or a mixture of the two, separated by spaces (e.g. BRCA1 BRCA2 KRAS). This will split up the IGV view into multiple panels and display the regions side-by-side, each with its own ruler.

Zoom and pan#

Jump to next/previous feature#

To navigate between features in a feature track (e.g. the reference genome annotation track, BED track, GFF3 track, etc.), first select the track by clicking on Select Tracks in the toolbar and then clicking in the checkbox to the left of the desired track. Then press either f or F to jump forward to the next feature; or b or B to jump backward to the previous feature. The upper case versions will also zoom in to the feature; the lower case versions will not change affect the zoom level.

More about tracks#

Track attributes: gear menu#

Clicking on a track's gear menu reveals a number of attributes. The set of attributes is determined by the type of file that was loaded into the track. For example, for a track displaying paired-end sequence alignments from a BAM file, the menu includes an option View as pairs. In addition to Remove track, all tracks will include the menu items Set track name and Set track height.

Setting attributes on multiple tracks#

Clicking on the Select Tracks button in the toolbar displays checkboxes to the left of all the tracks. To set attributes for multiple tracks at once, select the tracks of interest by clicking in their checkboxes. The gear menus for those tracks will then contain only the attributes that can be applied to all of the selected tracks. For example, selecting Set track color in the gear menu of any of the selected tracks will set the color for all of them.

If you select multiple quantitative data tracks, you will see a new item Group autoscale in their gear menus, in addition to the Autoscale item that is always there for quantitative data tracks.

Track actions: popup menu#

Right-clicking on a data track brings up a popup menu with actions you can perform. The set of menu items is determined by the type of file that was loaded into the track. For example, for a track displaying copy number data from a multi-sample SEG file, the menu includes an option Sort by value, which sorts the samples by copy number value at the locus where you clicked on the track. The sort order is toggled on each selection.

Displaying track data details#

Clicking on a data element in a track will display details about the element in a separate popup window. The type of details displayed depend on the track type.

By default, when you click on the next data element, the previous popup will close. Use Shift+click to open multiple information popups.

Moving and deleting tracks#

When you load a track it will be added to the bottom of the IGV track panel. To change the track order, just click on the gray grab-bar on the right edge of the track and drag it up or down to the new location.

To remove a track from the IGV browser, click on the gear icon to the right of the track and select Remove track from the menu that pops up.

Removing a track does not just hide the track. If you want to show it again you must reload the data file.

Loading a new reference genome will also delete all loaded data tracks. Refreshing the IGV-Web page in the browser will delete all loaded data and reset to the default reference genome. Or, if you launched IGV-Web from a shared URL or browser bookmark, refreshing the page will go back to the initial session state defined by the URL or bookmark.

Overlaying tracks#

Quantitative data tracks can be combined so they are displayed together as overlaid charts in a single track.

For example, the following two tracks:

can be displayed as the following single track by multi-selecting the two tracks and then clicking on the Overlay Tracks button in the toolbar.

To multi-select the tracks, first click on the Select Tracks button in the toolbar to display selection checkboxes to the left of all tracks, and then select the two tracks you want to overlay.

Each chart is drawn with a default level of translucence so they don't completely obscure one another. Select Set transparency from the combined track's gear menu to make the charts more or less opaque.

To separate the charts into the original tracks, select Separate tracks from the combined track's gear menu.

You may want to set the data ranges to be the same on the tracks before overlaying them or you can enable autoscale in the gear menu of the combined overlay track to keep the data ranges of the constituent tracks in sync.

Sample attributes#

For some multi-sample track types, such as segmented copy number (SEG files) and variant calls (VCF files), you can associated sample attributes with a track and use them for sorting the samples.

The attributes are displayed as a matrix of colored blocks, where each column represents an attribute, and a row of blocks represents all the attribute values for a single sample. In IGV-Web the attribute matrix is displayed to the right of the track data and to the left of the track scroll bar (if there is one) and the track's gray grab bar.

If two samples have the same color block for a particular attribute, both samples have the same value for that attribute. However, the colors are arbitrary and different sessions of IGV may not use the same colors.

Examples: The Example Sessions section has links two live IGV-Web app sessions that demonstrate sample attributes, one with VCF data and one with SEG data.

Saving sessions#

IGV-Web has a number of options for saving the state of your IGV session: you can save a file in IGV session format, bookmark the page in your browser, or create a web link URL that you can share with others.

Be aware that the saved state of an IGV session includes pointers to the data files for any loaded tracks. So to fully restore the state, you must have access to the same files that were loaded when the IGV session was saved.

Due to security restrictions on web browsers, IGV-Web cannot automatically load files from the local file system. If you save an IGV session that includes tracks or a reference genome that were loaded from local files, they cannot be loaded when you restore the session even if you run the session in the same environment on the same computer where you saved the session.

Session files#

To save a file that contains the state of the current IGV session, click on the Session dropdown menu, select Save, and enter a filename into the dialog that pops up. The filename must have the .json suffix, or it will not be recognized as a session file when later loaded into IGV-Web. Depending on your web browser settings, the file will be saved to your default downloads folder or you will be prompted to specify a destination folder.

You can share your session with others, for example by emailing it to them, or copying the saved file to a shared file system, or uploading it to Dropbox, Google Drive, or a web server.

To restore a session from a saved file, click on the Session dropdown menu and select one of the options in the top part of the menu:

Selecting the URL option will present a dialog to enter the full web link URL to the session file. For the other options, a file chooser pops up. If you select the Google Drive option, you will be prompted to sign into a Google account, and a Dropbox account is needed for the Dropbox option. The Google Drive option will not be presented if cookies are disabled in the web browser.

Session files from IGV-Desktop#

Session files that were saved in the Java desktop version of IGV can also be loaded into IGV-Web via the Session dropdown menu. However, IGV-Desktop supports more features and file types than the IGV-Web app, and so the session may not be completely restored. Also note that session files saved in IGV-Web currently cannot be loaded into IGV-Desktop.


To bookmark the current state of the IGV page in your web browser, first click on Bookmark in the IGV-Web menu bar. This will update the URL in the web browser's address bar. Then you can use your browser to save a bookmark for the page (in most web browsers use Command+D on MacOS, Ctrl+D on Windows).

To restore a bookmarked session, use your browser's mechanism for going back to a bookmarked page.

To create a web link URL that will open the IGV-Web app with all the same data tracks and settings as the current session, click on Share in the menu bar. A dialog will pop up and display a short URL that encodes the current state of the IGV session.

To restore a session from a URL, paste it into a browser address bar, or click on the URL in an email message, tweet, etc.

Saving images#

You can save an image of all the tracks as displayed in the IGV view or a single track.

Depending on your web browser settings, the image files will be saved to your default downloads folder or you will be prompted to specify a destination folder.

Miscellaneous tools#


(Introduced in IGV-Web version 1.13.0)

IGV-Web supports BLAT (BLAST-like Alignment Tool) for on-the-fly alignment of query sequences from reads in alignment tracks.

The sequence query is sent to an external BLAT search engine hosted at the UCSC Genome Browser. UCSC's BLAT search supports most UCSC derived genomes including human and mouse genomes.

The results of a BLAT search are presented in two different ways:

If you select a row in the results table and click on the Go To button, the IGV browser will change the view to that region. Selecting multiple rows will set the view to a multi-locus view of all selected regions side by side.

Regions of interest#

(First version introduced in IGV-Web version 1.12.9)

You can identify one or more genomic regions as special Regions of Interest (ROI).

Regions of interest are visually indicated by a green bar below the ruler and a light gray area across all tracks, as shown in the screenshot below.

Circular view#

(Introduced in IGV-Web version 1.9.0)

In collaboration with the JBrowse development team, we integrated the JBrowse 2 circular view component for exploring structural variants, chromatin interactions, and other long-distance interactions. Currently this integration supports structural variants from VCF files, paired-end and split-read alignments from BAM/CRAM files, and interaction pairs from bedPE and interact tracks. See here for more information about using the circular view with IGV-Web. The circular view will not be available if the web browser preferences have been set to disable all cookies.

Help menu#

The Help dropdown menu provides links to:

Supported browsers#

IGV-Web requires a modern web browser with support for JavaScript ECMAScript 2015. We try to test on the latest versions of Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge. The Internet Explorer (IE) browser is not supported.